Thought Of The Day. In Harmony.

Pearls of wisdom from Dr. Maya Angelou.

Jody Watley. Thought of The Day

Don’t be a know it all.

Keep learning and growing no matter how young or old. Don’t stop.

Jody Watley Classic Image of The Day

“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” – Audre Lourde

That quote is very me!

Via Instagram/jodywatleystyle and Instagram/jodywatley

Vintage in Denim.

Thought of The Day.

Something I came across- I think it’s true.

Here’s to kindness, understanding and love.

Thought of The Day. Beauty.

It may be very difficult at times – but keep your head up and give nourishment to your spirit.

Thought of The Day. Go Where The Love Is.

where the love is

Had to pass this one along via my Facebook page.

Thought of The Day. Believe Them.


This wisdom from Maya Angelou is a great life lesson -personally or professionally, in our leaders, pretty much around the board. No matter how many times, second, third chances you may give, it often comes back to that principle.

I learned this again this week in a business related situation, no more chances now..and then the other wisdom came to mind ‘You teach people how to treat you”  – both go hand in hand. Think about it – walk away, do better now that you absolutely know the situation isn’t right and you may not getting what you want out of something or the respect you deserve. Heed the lesson and keep it pushing forward.

Jody Watley. Holiday Greetings.



Jody Watley. Holiday Greetings.

I just wanted to thank those of you who follow my posts. Wishing everyone a blessed holiday season.. it’s a very sad time of year for so many.

The victims of the Oakland fire – young people just going out for a good time, artists just trying to make a living and live their dream. You never know in life. Those families are still on my mind and in my prayers – not to mention so many losses due to tragedy, from Aleppo to Chicago to Oakland and beyond. This year should remind us all how unpredictable life can be.  As an artist and someone who has sought out less commercial clubs to dance – just as my daughter does and many of you may very well relate. She knew 3 of those of lost their lives and nearly went to that club that night..and so it especially hit close to home.

My message is always to cherish each day – no matter how stressful, imperfect or trying to the nerves things can be..keep moving forward and let those you love know it – show it. Give to someone in kindness as a starting point.

Let the holidays and the forthcoming new year simply serve as  not so gentle reminders of what means the most in life – the ultimate gift. Moments – not things (unless it’s the little ones..and I do miss the whimsy of those times through a child’s eyes)..though  even’s the moments that will live on long after the gifts have been received  and wrapping paper tossed away. Keep people in your life that bring joy.


Thought of The Day. Sparkle and Shine.


Never let anyone dim your sparkle or shine. Leave some of it everywhere you go! -Jody Watley

Celebrating My Son. Arie.


With my son – Arie.

I chose this photo to post in celebrating the birthday of my son because this moment in our lives mark another pivotal moment. Arie had never had a haircut..he was born with so much hair..a nice afro – it was so full it looked like a wig! Both of my children have a lot of hair. Lauren’s was in the middle of her back by age 4…same thing people would ask ‘is she wearing a wig?’ For the isn’t true people of people don’t grow hair.

I’d seen one boy with locks and thought it would be cool to do that to Arie’s hair. I started him with braids and then began the locking process. His locks received so much attention..strangers would want to touch it, cue Solange Knowles ‘Don’t Touch My Hair” because it is odd when strangers want to touch your hair, and even more a child. Arie would occasionally be teased by students..’do you wash it?’ Of course – it’s hair!

By the end of junior high, he’d had enough and I’d see them around the house. “What are you doing to your locks?”  Arie was slowly cutting them – he was over them. He played AAU basketball and wanted to look more collegiate he said. I could tell he was ready for a change. There are moments in our lives no matter how young or old we are..change becomes necessary. We feel it, we know it. The thing is to embrace change – don’t fight it.

Cutting his hair prior to the start of high school was probably more emotional for me. Hair carries a lot of energy and I was so accustomed to seeing his lion mane. I saved some  of them in a ziplock and then made an appointment for his first trip to the barbershop.

From that point, it seems time really flew as he became a young man..junior varsity and varsity hoopster..then college student off to NYC. His interest is business and finance. Arie is a hard worker too. Instilling a strong work ethic in both is something to be proud of.

We have to allow our children to grow and be who they want to be while giving them the proper tools and foundation while raising them. Cherish the moments at each stage, time goes fast.

I love both my children more than words can convey. Being their Mom is the jewel of my life. Keeps me grounded..even though they no longer live at home. I value our relationship, and the fact they keep teaching me things too.


I still can’t believe Arie can grow a beard!

Happy Birthday Arie!! I love you beyond the unigalagalala-unigalaxy!