Thought of The Day. March On.

– and keep a positive attitude in the process!kahlil-gibran-quote

Jody Watley. Thursday Classic. Thought of The Day.

Jody Watley Junior High

A melancholy though triumphant Jody Watley.  Southeast Junior High



With each social media throwback Thursday my desire is to not only share a photo moment from the past – but to perhaps inspire someone by providing what was behind a photo moment in my life on this journey.

From my Facebook Page post”

“Queen Jody! Living in KCMO (from Chicago though) at the time – had run a campaign for President of the school, I think I was the only girl who ran..and were clowning me. It was a big disappointment and embarrassing for me – at the loss ..but I wasn’t discouraged in the long run, a theme in my life and career. I learned early on to never give up, keep pushing forward and stay motivated. Though not popular and still reeling from the loss of President..I went after “Miss Explorer Queen of Southeast Jr. High’ – because you never know unless you try right?! The outcome was triumph although I appear quite melancholy and sad in the photo’s (though still dealing with shade – a lot of girls including those who came in second and third weren’t happy as evidenced in the photo – shade is nothing new ) We didn’t have a lot of money but I put together my outfit and if you notice you can see what would become a style signature in my music career – jumbo hoop earrings. Certainly, I experienced far more challenging moments in my life, and even with this photo and moment there is much more to reveal.. however this is one of those touchstone character building moments.  ‪#‎JodyWatley‬ ‪#‎Shalamar‬ ‪#‎life‬ ‪#‎inspiration‬ – Just keep striving and be yourself is what I hope the takeaway is from this, beyond the TBT..” May 7, 2015

Jody Watley Attends Blondie Bash


Jody Watley with Debbie Harry. Paul Smith Photography Exhibition: Chris Stein’s Negative: Me, Blondie And The Advent of Punk


Jody Watley wearing a pair of heels from his recent collection with shoe designer Jerome C. Rousseau

Jody Watley wearing a pair of heels from his recent collection with shoe designer Jerome C. Rousseau

Event Producer Bryan Rabin and Jody Watley

Event Producer Bryan Rabin and Jody Watley

I first met Debbie Harry in Vienna, Austria for Lifeball several years ago. It was just two weeks ago that I was surprised that she would introduce my performance at charity gala ‘Night of A Thousand Gowns’; here we are again, this time – I have a photo!

Paul Smith Photography Exhibition: Chris Stein’s Negative: Me, Blondie And The Advent of Punk

LA Times Article: Here