Jody Watley Epic 3 Part Interview on Mi-Soul Radio With Mike Vitti

One of the most comprehensive interviews I’ve ever done. You really must listen to this..history,  first time onstage with my Godfather Jackie Wilson,Soul Train, Shalamar, aspects of my solo career moving up through to the current new music. Mike Vitti was masterful with the questions, knowledge as well as weaving a tapestry of quality music spanning decades.


Listen: Jody Watley Interview w Mike Vitti Mi Soul Radio The Funky Nation


UPDATE:: To those outside of the UK here are the individual shows without restriction:

World AIDS Day. Red Hot and Blue Looking Back

It’s interesting to look back on this monumental and important project and remember how my label was so against my being a part of it because of the perceived notion that being a part of HIV and AIDS education and awareness was a bad thing and the mentality of what people would think especially in the Black (urban) community, which one of the reasons I really fought to be a part of this no matter what people thought- it was necessary.

#Repost Via Red, Hot Organization

#redhotandblue TV special aired in over 30 countries in #1990. #coleporter songs, which NO ONE was even thinking about covering yet, seemed to speak poignantly to the early days of the #plague #Ivegotyouundermyskin #everytimewesaygoodbye to name a few were poetic reminders of the importance of love, romance, empathy and desire, in an era when people were afraid to even touch one another. We had numerous fights w/the network and sponsors in order to be able to speak directly about #AIDS and #SafeSex. The show featured music videos of nearly every song on the album as well as PSAs and interludes that spoke powerfully to dispell the fear, stigma and hysteria around the epidemic. These amazing #motiongraphics were produced in London, this was when doing any kind of moving graphics was incredibly labor intensive and complicated. The music is #whowantstobeamillionaire by #thompsontwins – for some reason they were the only band to not have a music video in the show, so they were featured here!!




#worldaidsday2017 #worldaidsday #neverforget #fightaids #endaids #safesex #safesexishotsex #redhot #redhotorganization #1990 #lovewins #AIDSactivism #silenceequalsdeath #actup #lgbtq