Jody Watley Prevails in Shalamar Trademark Registration Challenge.

A Motion to Dismiss was filed on my behalf back in October 2017 by my trademark attorney Michael L. Lovitz, IP Law. The Trademark Cancellation case has remained suspended since that time pending the courts decision. This Shalamar trademark challenge brought against me four years ago was finally heard and ruled on by the Trademarks and Appeals Board (TTAB) and entered into public record on February 15, 2018.

The trademark registration challenge case brought against me by Petitioner and Plaintiff Carolyn Baldwin (stage name Griffey) was Dismissed With Prejudice (no chance of appeal) by the Trademarks and Appeals Board as no evidence of record was ever  presented nor entered into the challenge that proved her sole ownership or past registration claims. I could not be more pleased with the outcome.

With a litany of false and slanderous statements made against me to the public over these four years by Baldwin, her mother former singer Carrie Lucas common law wife of Solar Record’s Dick Griffey, Baldwin’s colleagues and representatives (including Michael Gardner, Vijay Bhuchar, Zak Patel, Jemma Hatt admin of “Shalamar “Friends” social media pages created after my registration of the mark, Hipolito Rodriguez and Randy Lopez of RDMJ Entertainment), cyber-bullying, implicit in undermining my trademark rights, with threats, tampering with booking agents (Sal Michaels and Pyramid Entertainment, Pollstar), promoters, and media outlets such as Soultracks’ Chris Rizik, Eurweb’s Lee Bailey  (“The Trademark Belongs To Me!!” interview with Baldwin), UrbanMusicScene, as well as The Tom Joyner Morning Show (Howard Hewett interview 2016) where baseless claims and accusations of fraud against me were made without my opportunity to refute the false claims in their efforts to ruin my reputation as well as undermine, thwart and encourage non-support of my new group endeavors now named ( Jody Watley ft. SRL). This is just a sampling of some of what I’ve endured in this  difficult chapter that I intend to put even further behind me, as I’ve already tried to do the past couple of years before this ultimate outcome in my favor by the TTAB.

I remain the legally registered owner of the Shalamar trademark in the United States of America as registered with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). As a result of this process I’ve also been able to put an end to false and misleading ads by Baldwin and her colleagues (Howard Hewett and Jeffrey Daniel) under the guise of “Carolyn owns the name, so she can do whatever she wants to do including use old photos of Shalamar to advertise with your (Jody Watley) likeness …”   The charade is over.

The Terminated challenge is public record via the TTAB website for any avoidance of doubt.

I hope my efforts will inspire other artists to be more diligent about business matters and for those who have been in groups to be more proactive in how their likeness is used in the public, avoiding misrepresentation to talent buyers and fans over time allowing others to benefit and profit from your original works, image and likeness potentially damaging your own livelihood in the process.

I will repeat – I am NOT posing any restrictions on their ability to tour and do concerts – this was simply a business move of leverage to stop the misuse of my likeness and false ads. Carolyn can continue to try to emulate me, wear her hoop earrings, sunglasses and what not to give the illusion of me because she has no identity — however now they can post and advertise without using the old photo’s with me in the group – my putting Carolyn Griffey under photos with me in it.

Prosecution History


Baldwin Shalamar Challenge Dismisall History

Dismissed with Prejudice.

Dismissal Jody Watley Shalamar Trademark